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About us

“The world is shaped by two things – stories told and the memories they leave behind”

Vera Nazarian

Family history, memories and stories are so easily forgotten as we get older. We assume a photo and all the important details about it will be forever ingrained in our memories.

As our lives get busier and our families grow, we make new memories and these precious stories are harder to remember.

A collection of photos on their own only tell half the story. It's not just about where the photo was taken, the date or the event, it's about the emotional connection to the hidden details. How did you feel at the time? What happened before, during and after? What was the significance?

We have been scrapbooking for over 17 years and understand that when you have just one lifetime to make the most of, you need to capture the stories that shape your memories.  

How many of us have inherited photos from family members but have no idea about the stories behind them?

Custom wedding scrapbook page at The Scr
Custom made scrapbook pages at The Scrap
Andrea Daniels - The Scrapbooker, working in her studio

Our vision

To help you commemorate important moments in your life by creating beautiful scrapbooks that celebrate your life and the lives of those you love and cherish. 

Our mission

  • To help you organise your photos and memorabilia.

  • To help you document your stories and memories.

  • To take the time to truly understand the people and the stories behind your photos and memories.

  • To organise these elements into a coherent record for you to treasure or gift.

Our values


We specialise in visual story-telling.


We creatively combine your photos and memories to tell the stories you want to preserve.


We have loved and lost too. You have a mountain of photos and memorabilia. We understand how difficult it is to share these and value the trust you place in us.


Your personal stories aren’t for the world to see. Having worked for public and private clients, we understand and value your need for privacy.


Taking the time getting to know both you and the recipient before the designing begins. Every layout, album or personalised gift is bespoke and unique to you.


A unique keepsake, filled with amazing stories that will be treasured by you or the recipient, and handed down for future generations to enjoy.

If you’re looking for the perfect gift for someone who already has everything or if you want to commemorate

your life or the lives of those you love please get in touch we’d love to hear from you. 

Or to find out more about how we can help, visit our services.

07967 602089

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